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Terms and Conditions for Clients.

To contract the services, the patient must previously accept the following Conditions by checking the &quot;I have read and accept the conditions&quot; box. The patient will not be able to use the services if he does not accept the Conditions. &nbsp;


The patient will not be able to use the services and will not be able to accept the Conditions if any of the following circumstances occur: &nbsp;

  • You are not of legal age and cannot formalize a binding contract with Psintegra.&nbsp;

  • You do not have the necessary legal capacity to receive services in accordance with Salvadoran laws.&nbsp;


All cases are subject to supervision, with the intention of providing follow-up and ensuring the quality of care/service provided by the Psintegra community of professionals.&nbsp;


Psintegra undertakes to maintain the complete confidentiality of the information presented. Psintegra is not responsible for the actions that the professional team or the referred clinic executes.&nbsp;


Each patient must pay in advance for the sessions and schedule the appointment for the date and time that they can attend, through the calendar of the psychotherapist that best suits their needs. The selected psychotherapist will be in session (videoconference) on the scheduled date and time. If for any inconvenience the psychotherapist cannot attend, the user will be notified by email and/or text message, and the session will be rescheduled when both agree.&nbsp;


I understand that by requesting an immediate consultation the psychotherapist on call could be attending to another patient and I must wait a few minutes to be notified by the system.&nbsp;


Psintegra psychotherapists are of different psychological tendencies among them: cognitive-behavioral, Analytically oriented (Freudian, Lacanian and Jungian), gestalt, systemic and coaching. The user can choose to be cared for by the psychotherapist they consider best suited to their needs, and they can change psychotherapists whenever they want or because it has been suggested in the session(s)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


Each professional and psychotherapist, if deemed necessary, could suggest referring the user to other health specialists, inside and outside of Psintegra. Each user is recommended to talk with their current therapist if they wish to abandon the psychotherapeutic process or change therapists.


The platform has a tertiary video call system, not exclusively for attending psychotherapy patients online, but which allows compliance with all the necessary security requirements. Each user must have the appropriate technological equipment for the video call (camera, microphone, computer and internet service of at least 3 MB).


Cancellation policy


I understand that if for any inconvenience I cannot attend my scheduled session, I must cancel it through my user profile or through the different communication channels via WhatsApp, phone call or social networks, at least 2 hours in advance, from Otherwise, a fine of $5 will be applied to the patient for notifying their absence late.


I understand that by canceling the session at least 2 hours in advance I can reschedule it one more time or put it on hold until I confirm that I can attend another session. If I request to reschedule a session for the second time less than 6 hours before the session, I understand that a penalty of 50% of the price of the reserved service will apply.


In the event that I do not attend my psychological care session without having previously notified my absence, I understand that a fine of 50% of the price of the reserved service will be applied, which must be paid immediately.


Obligations of the patient in the care process&nbsp;


  • The patient is solely responsible for determining if the service meets their needs.&nbsp;

  • The patient agrees to use the service within the law, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for Patients and to use it in good faith and use for which it has been contracted.&nbsp;

  • If the user considers that his mental or physical health is in danger, if he is contemplating suicide or if he can act in a way that puts his health or that of third parties at risk or understands that any other person may be in any danger; or if you have any medical, psychological or psychiatric emergency), you should refrain from using Psintegra and immediately contact a medical center or an emergency service.&nbsp;

  • The patient is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data sent to Psintegra, which will be exonerated from any liability in this regard.&nbsp;

  • The user must guarantee and answer, in any case, about the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact, subscription and registration forms. &nbsp;


Contract period


This service and the Terms and Conditions of the same will enter into force from the request of the first consultation and will have an indefinite duration, and may be terminated in the following cases:&nbsp;

  • By mutual agreement between the parties.&nbsp;

  • On the part of Psintegra, when the object thereof has been completed, that is, the completion of the treatment.&nbsp;

  • When the patient unilaterally considered that he had reached a level of improvement sufficient to not need the service.&nbsp;

  • When the patient wants to contact another psychologist or do another therapy.


Psintegra packages


Individual sessions and online counseling last from 45 to 60 minutes and cost $30 virtually, and a variable price in face-to-face mode, with discount packages for virtual sessions by prepaying 3 sessions ($80), 4 sessions ($80), $110), 8 sessions ($220) and 12 sessions ($330); seasonal discounts may apply.&nbsp;


The couple and family sessions last 75 and 90 minutes respectively, and cost $50 virtually, with discount packages when you prepay 4 sessions ($190).&nbsp;


I understand that by acquiring one of the discount packages offered by PSIntegra I have the number of sessions in my favor that I have selected, and I will be able to schedule the appointment at the time I want with the therapist of my choice. The sessions of the discount packages, prepaid sessions, have a period already established for each package, they can be used when considered appropriate within that established period.

Notice: Services available through the Psintegra Network are provided independently by licensed mental health professionals. does not provide any mental health or other health care services. Mental health professionals do not prescribe medications through PSIntegra. If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact the emergency services available in your area.

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PSINTEGRA |&nbsp;El Salvador

Psintegra® - © Copyright

©&nbsp;2018&nbsp; PSINTEGRA -&nbsp;All rights reserved.

Professional services endorsed by the Psychology Surveillance Board - JVPP

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